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Andrew Bowers ()
E: mhc900@asbii.com.au
QR: http://asb...
MHC900 The Solution!
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ServicesMHC900   /   Services   /   Regular Servicing

  • Optimise your asset value under one flat rate.
  • Brush renewal and disposal to EPA Publication 448 guidelines.
  • Routine system check and condition report.

install estimate

Compare estimates with this simple checklist.
Advantages of regular servicing:

  • coordinate a brush change-over schedule with suppliers;
  • regular inspection of brush wear and control settings to ensure optimum performance;
  • regular monitoring of conditions to ensure the belt cleaner meets your changing needs.


1) specify conditions,
2) choose options,
3) review quote.


Engineering manager explains the cost benefits since installing...

Courtesy: Viridian New World Glass (CSR)